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[Rising Knowledge] SF6 Gas Insulated Inflatable Lightning Impulse Voltage Generator.

Our company has designed and developed 3000 kV inflatable impulse voltage generator, which can be used for lightning wave and operation wave test of 1000 kV grade GIS or GIL. This design solves the problem of installing and testing UHV GIS and GIL in the field. In the future, through the combination of UHV GIS and GIL with pneumatic test transformer, it can form a multi-functional test platform. This new design can be used not only for lightning wave and operation wave test, but also for AC test. If necessary, it can also be combined with DC test.

通州市| 安陆市| 新和县| 锡林郭勒盟| 屯昌县| 登封市| 长岭县| 玛纳斯县| 淮南市| 水富县| 青神县| 页游| 禄劝| 麦盖提县| 集安市| 枣强县| 武宣县| 亚东县| 武山县| 台南市| 阿荣旗| 南安市| 高邮市| 道孚县| 许昌县| 沙河市| 洪湖市| 清涧县| 万山特区| 金川县| 双峰县| 桑植县| 昭平县| 大英县| 通州区| 宜州市| 大悟县| 霍邱县| 阳江市| 景泰县| 昌平区|