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High Voltage DC Generator

Our strengths:

Main technical features:

Modular structure

Output current is stable, voltage drop is low and ripple coefficient is small.

Automatic Polarity Conversion

Automatic Fast Grounding System to Provide High Level Protection


DC high voltage voltage test system is mainly used for DC voltage test of lightning arrester, high voltage DC cable, DC bushing, insulator, converter transformer, converter valve, suspended line and its accessories, generator and switch. Other scientific research and teaching experiments

Main technical features:

Modular structure

Output current is stable, voltage drop is low and ripple coefficient is small.

Automatic Polarity Conversion

Automatic Fast Grounding System to Provide High Level Protection

Silicon stack polarity transfer time:

The polarity switching time of high voltage silicon reactor is about 10S, and the test voltage polarity switching time is about 60S.


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